
Four Knights Film is a multi-award-winning production company based in Aotearoa New Zealand, headed up by Tom Hern and James Napier Robertson.

As everyone begins to wrap down for the Christmas break... This photo is a nod to these cool kids, and a reminder that it takes a village (- if not many villages) to make a film. The year is not over yet, but we are so grateful to all who have walked journeys with us this year, and in years gone by!#longlivetheeasternknights

Four Knights Friday Flashback (yes, we’re making it a thing... *trying) to racing a mini through the streets of Wellington with a coffin strapped to the roof in @porkpiemovie #nzfilm #4KF

Where 4K coffee @ TIFF
#darkhorse #meetingsmeetingsmeetings
#coffeecoffeecoffee #somethingwickedthiswaycomes

GUNS AKIMBO makes its premiere at the Ryerson Theatre tonight!
#TIFF19 #gunsakimbo #danielradcliffe #samaraweaving #natashaliubordizzo #neddennehy #rhysdarby #jasonleihowden #tiff #specialpresentations #socialcommentary

Here’s a snippet of Dan’s interview with @kate_rodger at @newshubnz while filming Guns Akimbo in NZ. We are so lucky and proud to have such talented and genuine crew in Aotearoa! - And we didn’t mind having you here either Dan 😜
You can find the full clip on YouTube.. #gunsakimbo #danielradcliffe #nzcrewrock #tiff #filminginnz #nzfilms #amostexcellenthuman

Toronto International Film Festival we have landed! #nzfilm #tiff #4KF #nzattiff #gunsakimbo #internationalfilms

@thewrap named #gunsakimbo as one of the buzziest movies for sale at TIFF this year! It’s certainly a riot! #gunsakimbo #danielradcliffe #samaraweaving #jasonleihowden #buzzyfilm #tiff #thewrap - We also can’t wait to see Sam’s latest film @readyornotfilm but it’s a little wait til it’s NZ release!

Check out @samweaving’s interview about her character in #gunsakimbo! #gunsakimbo #samaraweaving #badasswahine #indiefilm #tiff @jokinsta @sarahrubano

Tis true @bdisgusting this is the first official image released of GA with Dan! Wanna know how he gets here? You’ll just have to wait and see! #gunsakimbo #bloodydisgusting #tiff #danielradcliffe #badass

@alexander_bvs - From Theatre land to Film world, this guy has been climbing ladders fast!
Following in his colleagues footsteps, Zarn joined the team in 2014 and is now an Associate Producer of Four Knights. Go figure.
#4Kassociateproducer #producer #coordinatorofallthings #nzfilmmaker #nztheatremaker #SPGking #anotherlegend

#jamesnapierrobertson - Just Google him.
#4kcofounder #writer #director #producer #nzfilmmaker #anotherlegend

Our latest co-production GUNS AKIMBO is premiering at TIFF next week!
We want to thank everyone who helped us bring this feature to life!
To our amazing Cast and Crew; You are all absolute legends, and it was a pleasure working with you.
To the Families and Friends of all creatives on this journey; Thank you for your support, we all could not have done this without you.
We hope you enjoy the riot!
#gunsakimbo #gunsakimbomovie #TIFF #torontointernationalfilmfestival #NZFILM #indiefilm #fourknightsfilm #occupantentertainment #mazepictures #germany #newzealand #worldpremiere #september9 #danielradcliffe @samweaving @natashaliubordizzo #neddennehy @rhysiedarby @jason_lei_howden @tiff_net

Gareth Reeves as Stanley Merse in I’M NOT HARRY JENSON (2008) #inhj #garethreeves #debutfeaturefilm #thriller #kiwifilm

Cliff Curtis as Genesis Potini in THE DARK HORSE (2014) #thedarkhorse #cliffcurtis #nzfilm #GenDaMan #RILGenesis #chess #speedchess

If you want to shoot in a film-friendly part of New Zealand, go to Southland! Mayor Tim Shadbolt is a legend in more ways than one. This pic was taken on set with Tom Hern the day we shot Tim’s cameo in @porkpiemovie !
#porkpiemovie #takingthisbloodycartoinvercargill #legend #mattmurphy #tomhern

Found some great old pics from behind the scenes of our very first feature film, I’M NOT HARRY JENSON (although we hadn’t started Four Knights back then), back in 2008. We raised $170K of private money to make this film, at the start of the micro-budget film revolution. We based the script around the money we had and then scrambled the best we could to resource it and do it justice. The film couldn’t have been made without the support of so many generous investors, cast and crew from our Aotearoa Film Community. Awesome memories! #imnotharryjenson #debutfeature #kiwifilm #onset #setlife #microbudgetfeature